This Kitchen Appliance That Everyone Has Must Be Unplugged Before Sleeping to Avoid Fire Risks


This kitchen appliance, present in almost every household, could be the cause of a fire if certain precautions are not taken.


The kitchen is one of the most fire-prone areas in a house, mainly due to the use of electrical appliances. To protect yourself from this type of danger, it’s important to take a few precautions.

Some Tips to Prevent Fires in the Kitchen

Did you know that several factors can cause a fire in the kitchen? One of the main risks is leaving a cooking appliance on without supervision.

Whether you’re frying food or cooking a dish in the oven, it’s important to stay in the room. If you need to leave, it’s best to turn off all cooking appliances. Additionally, it’s essential to always check that nothing is left on before leaving the kitchen.

Using the right equipment is also crucial to preventing fire risks. For instance, you should have a timer or oven mitts, as well as a certified fondue pot and deep fryer with a thermostat.

Maintaining your kitchen appliances can also reduce fire risks. Clean them regularly and check their cords, connections, and operation before every use.

For reference, if you have an oil fire on your stove, do not try to extinguish it with water, as it can spread the fire. Also, avoid moving a container if its contents are on fire.

What you should do is quickly place a lid over the container. If possible, turn off all heating appliances, the oven, and the kitchen range hood.

This Appliance Must Always Be Turned Off After Use




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