I don’t really care for pumpkin spiced lattes. They are just not something I am interested in. I absolutely love pumpkin bread. I could have a piece every morning for breakfast and never get tired of its soft texture and gentle sweetness. Put some butter or cream cheese on it and I’ll be extremely happy. You can find this type of bread at any bakery during this season, but nothing compares to a delicious homemade loaf. This recipe for pumpkin bread from Downeast Maine is excellent. It’s not complicated or extravagant, it’s just the ideal bread.
Pumpkin Bread from Downeast Maine
List of components
1 can of pumpkin puree (15 ounces)
4 huevos
1 cup of vegetable oil
Two-thirds cup of water
2 and a half cups of sugar
3 and a half cups of all-purpose flour
2 small spoons of baking soda
1 and a half teaspoons of salt
1 teaspoon of powdered cinnamon
1 teaspoon of powdered nutmeg
1/2 teaspoon of powdered cloves
1/4 teaspoon of ginger powder
1/4 teaspoon of cardamom