Make Aspirin Cream and Your Wrinkles, Crow’s Feet and Blemishes Disappear
In addition, the environmental factor has a lot to do with it, because depending on the climate we can have very dry or irritated skin. For this reason, today we are going to talk about an excellent homemade cream for skin health.
The main ingredients of this remedy are lemon and aspirin. Many of us know the benefits of the fruit and we know that the drug pills cure the flu and headaches, but we have not known that they also have a great contribution to our skin.
Do you want to know how to carry out this remedy? Take note and try to use it as soon as possible.
3 aspirin
1 lemon
Squeeze the lemon very well and crush the 3 aspirin, then you are going to combine both ingredients and beat for a few minutes so that you can obtain a homogeneous, uniform substance, free of lumps and quite consistent.
To use the medicine, you are going to wash your face with warm water to open your pores, dry it with a towel and proceed to spread the mask over the entire length of your skin, doing light circular massages so that the properties of both components penetrate the skin. dermis.
But today we are going to show you how you can make yourself a completely natural recipe that eliminates everything you don’t want on your face. It’s very easy, don’t waste time. I made it myself and no one believed it, this cream rejuvenates in 8 days, removes.