How to make this lemon trick?
So, you will need:
– Juice of one organic lemonLemon is very effective in daily skin protection and in the fight against wrinkles. Its high vitamin C content allows it to promote the production of collagen necessary to make the skin smoother and slow down skin aging. Furthermore, its vitamin C content acts as a serum to tone the skin and reduce wrinkles.
– Rose water: 4 tablespoons
A natural antibacterial, rose water is a powerful anti-aging treatment for the face. Its antioxidant composition allows it to eliminate the signs of aging on the skin.
– Beer: 2 tablespoons
Composed of water, malt, hops, yeast and rich in mineral salts, potassium and vitamin B, beer is considered hydrating and helps protect the skin from skin aging.
– A washcloth or cotton ball
How to use this method?