If your house needs an extreme deep clean, pay close attention to these 9 tips


No matter how often you clean your house, there are always areas that end up neglected. Some are too out of the way and easy to forget while others just take too much time and effort. But it doesn’t have to be that way anymore.
Deep cleaning your house shouldn’t be something you dread. Instead, try a few of these tips. It will make the job easier and you’ll end up with a little more free time in the end.
1. Toilet siphons
You probably clean your toilet on a regular basis, but how often do you clean the toilet siphons? Trust me; it’s time. You’ll have to start by turning off the water to your toilet and flushing to empty out the remaining water in the bowl. Then cover all of your toilet siphons with duct tape and make sure it’s on tightly. Pour vinegar into the toilet tank and flush, which will cause the vinegar to get trapped in the siphons. Let this sit overnight and in the morning, remove the duct tape and turn the water back on.
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Cooktop Cove
2. Porcelain sink
Different types of sinks require different types of cleaning. For porcelain sinks, start by sprinkling a fine layer of baking soda into the sink and scrubbing over it with a sponge. After you’ve worked in the soda, pour a little hydrogen peroxide onto the sponge and scrub more. Let it sit for about 20 minutes and then rinse everything down the drain.

Cooktop Cove
3. Electric stove burners
If you can remove your electric stove burners, then you can clean them with nothing more than dish soap and baking soda. Start by squirting a little dish soap onto a damp cloth and wipe down the burners. Make a paste of water and baking soda and gently rub it onto the burners. Let it sit for about 20 minutes before scrubbing and rinsing it off. When the burners are completely dry, you can put them back on the stove.

Cooktop Cove
4. Glass cooktop
Since you can’t remove the burners from a glass cooktop, it requires a different method of cleaning, but the same ingredients. Submerge a rag into hot, soapy water and let it soak while you spread a thick layer of baking soda over the cooktop. Take out the soapy rag and squeeze out half the water before laying it over the baking soda. Leave it for 15 minutes and then use the rag to scrub over the baking soda. Finish by drying the cooktop with a clean, dry cloth.

Cooktop Cove
5. Cloth couches
With the exception of leather ones, most couches can be cleaned the same way. Start by brushing over the fabric with a stiff brush and then sprinkle on a layer of baking soda, which you’ll leave for at least 20 minutes before you vacuum over it with the brush attachment. Use your favorite brand of cleaner (or make your own) to scrub over any stains and then allow the couch to dry.

Cooktop Cove
6. Brooms
Brooms and dustpans can get really gross after a few uses, but most people just stick them back in the closet until they’re needed again. Doing this just spreads dirt and germs, though. Next time you finish sweeping, soak your broom for an hour in a bucket of warm water and dish soap. Let it air dry and then put it away. For your dustpan, spray it with disinfectant after each use.

Cooktop Cove
7. Area rugs
Most people probably have their area rugs professionally cleaned, but the cost of that can quickly add up. Next time you notice a stain or two on your rug, try this method: Lay out the rug on a flat, cement surface (like your driveway) and spray it down with a hose until it’s completely saturated. Pour a small amount on laundry detergent all over the rug, especially on any stains. Spray the hose over it again and then brush it out with a large bristle brush. Let it sit in the sun for a couple hours before using the hose again to remove all remaining detergent. Roll the rug tightly to squeeze out the rest of the water and then stand it up to dry.

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