I determined to teach my family a well-deserved lesson. The first call I made was to my mother. “Hi, Mom! Where are you? Gran-Gran fell, and I discovered her alone in the house!” My mother sounded concerned when she asked what had happened.
Continuing the falsehood, I stated, “I’m not sure what happened. I arrived late for her birthday party and discovered her laying face down in the kitchen.” I informed her that my grandmother was now in the hospital receiving medical attention.
“This could’ve been avoided if you guys had bothered to attend,” I convinced her. “I apologize, Sandra; I got caught up in something, honey. “I’ll go check on her now.”
“Caught up in what? “You’ve retired!” I snapped, unable to conceal my rage. “Don’t take that tone with me!” she said before I could calm down.
“Sorry, Mom, I am just so worried about Gran-Gran,” I told the truth. “Another thing I need you to do is send some money to cover the hefty hospital bills.” Feeling guilty, my mother agreed to give her portion of the bogus $2,000 bill.
After dropping the phone, I went back in and spent some more time with my grandma before she asked to go take a nap. Taking advantage of the situation, I contacted all of the other family members who had not pitched.
I called my brother, Tim. “Where are you? Why didn’t you come to Gran-Gran’s brunch?”
“Something came up,” he mumbled. “Like what? Another video game marathon?” I retorted. “She’s in the hospital, Tim. Do you even care?” His breath caught in his throat before asking, “Is she going to be okay? What happened?”
I brushed him off, telling him I was too stressed to go into the details. But I rubbed in the fact that what happened to her wouldn’t have occurred if someone had attended her brunch.
The premise of my plan was to make them all feel guilty and to hit them where it hurts: their wallets. I also fed Tim the same story that hospital bills had to be paid and everyone was chipping in some money.
“I’ll hustle some cash from a friend,” he promised. By then, my mother had already sent some money. She was also asking for an update on Gran-Gran’s health since I hadn’t told her what hospital she was admitted to.