Alternative soap with only 2 ingredients
To prepare a natural flavour made with only two ingredients we need to take a bar of yellow soap, one of those soft soaps that you can cut with a knife, in Italy it is called Alga soap and it is based on glycerine and coconut oil.
It looks like a yellow tile and is suitable for any type of hand washing, it is mild and totally biodegradable!
To make ‘our soap with only 2 ingredients’ we have to take the bar of soap and cut it with a knife, it will be very easy because it is soft. We will cut it into small squares, then using our hands we will give it a spherical shape.
But we can make them in different sizes, they can be bigger or smaller depending on the uses we want to give it.
Washable in the washing machine
So once we have prepared all the balls with the soap cut in pieces, we introduce them in a plastic container to which we will add a little bit of talcum powder.
In this way the balls will not stick together and we can use them as we want, in fact at this point our soap is ready and we can also use it for example to wash clothes in the washing machine.
To do this simply place it directly into the laundry basket, one ball will be enough depending on the amount of clothes and how dirty they are. The 2-ingredient soap is also ideal for pre-treating stains by hand.
2-ingredient soap for toilet limescale
This ball can also be squeezed and placed directly into the toilet, obviously not when it is still wet. Wait until the toilet bowl is a bit dry and when pushed well it will stick to the bowl.
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