Clean your entire home in just 10 steps


7. Clean the blinds
Blinds are often one of the most overlooked items in a home. They collect dust over time and can be difficult to clean. The following is the perfect cleaning method for blinds. Soaks them in the bathtub.

Cooktop Cove
8. Use the miracle solution
The combination of Dawn dishwashing liquid and vinegar create a powerful cleaner for your bathroom. It easily removes soap scum, erases rings around the tub and helps to prevent hard water stains from building up.

9. Get a streak-free shine
Using a great glass cleaner on your mirrors and windows saves you a lot of time. No one wants to re-clean anything, especially not streaky windows. But you don’t have to spend a fortune on commercial glass cleaners.

10. Restore your cabinets
Cabinets get grimy over time from the constant touching and cooking. Your hands leave oils on the wood and hardware, attracting dirt and causing a dark film. Try cleaning your cabinets with some vegetable oil. Dab mineral or vegetable oil on a paper towel to simply wipe away the grease.

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