How Much Has H5N1 Already Impacted Our Food Supply?
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H5N1 has presented a hindrance when it comes to the commercial dairy and livestock industry, but not in a way that will necessarily get you sick. “We have already seen milk infected with H5N1, but pasteurization kills the virus. We have not found it in beef, chicken or eggs,” says Brian Labus, PhD, MPH, REHS, Assistant Professor at University of Nevada Las Vegas’s School of Public Health.
“The likelihood of H5N1 being transmitted in poultry products is extremely low as the onset of symptoms appear rapidly in poultry, especially turkeys, and the birds quickly succumb to the virus,” says Mitzi Baum, CEO of Stop Foodborne Illness. The onset of H5N1 is so fast that Labus says that infected birds do not have enough time to lay eggs before the symptoms become fatal.
In addition, several federal and industry guidelines are in place to further reduce the risk of H5N1 entering our food supply. “The likelihood that eggs from infected poultry are in the retail market is low, due to safeguards in place, which include testing of flocks and federal inspection programs,” says Dr. Mickey Rubin, Vice President of Research for The American Egg Board. “Once a commercial poultry farm is identified as HPAI positive, the farm is placed under quarantine, and all movement of eggs and birds immediately stops. This is required and enforced by state veterinarians working collaboratively with USDA.”
Rubin also notes that egg farmers dealing with an avian flu outbreak cannot resume normal operations without thorough cleaning, disinfecting, testing, and approval from the USDA and the state government. The loss in production helps prevent infected products from reaching the food supply. It also puts a strain on the supply chain, which may increase egg and poultry prices for the consumer.