How to Clean a Burnt Pot or Pan with Baking Soda


Blackened, crusty, and burnt food at the bottom of a pan may happen to anyone, including skilled cooks. You may have given up hope of cleaning the mess, but a badly charred saucepan may be saved with ARM & HAMMER Baking Soda and a little elbow effort.

How to Clean a Burnt Stainless Steel or Aluminum Pan

With some basic kitchen staples, there are several techniques you can use to clean a badly burnt stainless steel pan.

  • Ingredients
  • Baking soda
  • Water
  • White vinegar
  • A Scouring pad and scraper, such as a wooden spatula.
  • A fresh lemon, cut in half.
  • The Deglazing Technique


The Baking Soda & Water Method

If you have a scorched pan with burnt food, you can use baking soda and water to get the job done.

  • Make a paste of 3 parts baking soda to 1 part water. Cover the scorched portion of the pan.
  • Pour 1 cup baking soda and 1/3 cup water for a full pot bottom,
  • Rub the paste to the burnt pan.
  • Cover the bottom of the pan with a thin layer of warm water.
  • Add enough baking soda to create a paste.
  • Let the combination sit for a few hours or overnight, then add more baking soda and scrub with a nylon brush or scour sponge.
  • If you don’t want to wait, add another ¼ – ½ cup water to thin the paste then put the pan on the stove and let it come to a boil.
  • Remove it from the heat quickly – you don’t want it to burn again!

The Baking Soda & Vinegar Method

  • Add a enough white vinegar to cover the bottom of the pan with at least ½ inch of liquid.
  • Boil the vinegar in the pan and let simmer for a few minutes.
  • Remove from heat and add 1 cup baking soda.
  • Set the pot aside and wait until all the fizzing and bubbling dies down.
  • Dispose of the liquid and scrub the pan with a nylon scrub brush or scour sponge, adding more baking soda as necessary.
  • Soak clean and dry.

The Baking Soda & Lemon Method

  • Maintain a thin layer of water in the pan
  • Dust the bottom liberally with baking soda.
  • Cut a lemon in half and use the flesh side to scour the pan with the baking soda slurry.
  • If your pan has a copper bottom that has gotten blackened or tarnished, turn the pot upside down and use this method to help remove the stains and restore the shine.
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