Cleaning Supplies
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Pyrosky//Getty Images
While it might seem handy to have your cleaning supplies and dish soap out near the sink, ready to grab at a moment’s notice, no one really likes looking at a dirty dishrag. “Eliminate, eliminate, and find ways to utilize everyday items with drawers or hidden organizers, especially those dreaded sink scrubbers and ugly soap bottles,” says interior designer Sarah Latham of Latham Interiors.
Wyse is in agreement, claiming that you’ll never find those items out in his kitchen. “A sponge feels messy, so if I have a cloth or something similar I keep it under the sink,” he says.
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Olive Oil & Spices
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Julien McRoberts//Getty Images
Ruskus says that keeping olive oil out on the counter is a big no-no. “I keep all my oils in a cabinet so they stay out of the heat and sunlight so they don’t go rancid,” she explains. This makes sense considering (good) olive oil is sold in dark-colored containers to prevent unnecessary light exposure. The chef also recommends storing essentials like salt, spices, grains, etc. nearby, but in a drawer, so that you can see everything clearly and access them easily to make cooking painless.